Forthcoming Webinar on Covid-19 and its impact on Gender, throughout the analysis of transversal topics and issues. In memory of…
Forthcoming: EMERGENZA COVID-19 E GENERE Webinar on Microsoft Teams
New event by Lecostituzionaliste in collaboration with ELaN on 17 September! See the full program here: EMERGENZA COVID_Webinar_17settembre…
Istanbul Convention: Violence, Women and Turkey by Sevgi Doğan
Turkey’s future is quite gloomy. Every day, with new news and new unimaginable political initiatives, Turkey is moving further back…
A NEW BOOK ON GENDER VIOLENCE: Review by V. Bonini (ELaN Staff)
LA VIOLENZA DI GENERE DAL CODICE ROCCO AL CODICE ROSSO (eds. B. Pezzini & A. Lorenzetti), Giappichelli, Turin, 2020 Il…
RECORDINGS: First ELaN International Workshop_19 June 2020
“Gender Based Approaches to the Law and Juris Dictio in Europe” Click the links below to watch our First Workshop…
Fourth ELaN PhD Seminar with Stefano Osella: direct link to the Microsoft Teams Meeting
Click the link below to get direct access to the Seminar!…
REMINDER: Fourth ELaN PhD Seminar online with Stefano Osella
Il binario di genere: mantenerlo o superarlo? by Stefano Osella 24 June, 03.30 pm on Microsoft Teams Discussant: Elettra…
Forthcoming ELaN International Workshop “Gender Based Approaches to the Law and Juris Dictio in Europe” 19 June 2020
19 June_09 am_on Microsoft Teams link to the virtual room: conversationsgroupId=575c4cf6-8d10-4a0a-ba64 73ff38308532&tenantId=c7456b31-a22047f5- be52-473828670aa1) To participate, please write to…
Mourning, Isolation and the Pandemic. From Mary Shelley to Covid-19
Lutto, isolamento e pandemia. Da Mary Shelley al covid-19. Nel 1826, Mary Shelley, già autrice del celebre Frankenstein, or the…
Interview to Vittoria Doretti (by V. Bonini, ELaN Teaching Staff) Covid-19 Pandemic and the emergency of violence against women: the experience of the “Pink Code Network” in Italy
Emergenza Covid-19 ed emergenza violenza di genere: l’esperienza della Rete Codice Rosa V.B.: Vittoria, partiamo dagli effetti ormai noti…