Here some pictures from the second meeting of the second ELaN Training course for lawyers
“Anti-discrimination law in theory and practice ”
by Giulia Donadio (Università di Pisa) and Francesco Rizzi (Studio Diritti e Lavoro – Avvocatura per i diritti Lgbti- Rete Lenford)
Chair: Elisabetta Tarquini (Court of Appeal of Florence)
February 8, 14.30-17.30 pm on Microsoft Teams
And here some pictures from the fourth meeting of the second ELaN Training course for lawyers
“Homogeniture and filiation”
by Chiara Angiolini (Università di Trento), Federico Azzarri (Università di Pisa), and Valentina Pizzol (Avvocatura per i diritti Lgbti- Rete Lenford)
Chair: Chiara Favilli (Università di Pisa)