PICS OF THE DAY(S): Second ELaN Training course for lawyers (1st and 2nd lessons)


Here some pictures from the first meeting of the second ELaN Training course for lawyers

“Law and gender: the different approaches and their impact on legal practice”

by Maria Rosaria Marella (Università di Perugia)

Chair: Elena Bargelli (Università di Pisa)

Introduction: Stefano Pulidori (President of the Pisa Bar Association)

January 29, 14.30-16.30 pm on Microsoft Teams




And here some pictures from the second meeting of the second ELaN Training course for lawyers

“Law and gender violence: issues of criminal procedural law and civil law”

by Francesco Cingari (Università di Firenze), Valentina Bonini (Università di Pisa), and Chiara Angiolini (Università di Trento)

Chair: Giulia Donadio (Università di Pisa)

February 1, 14.30-18.30 pm on Microsoft Teams