“Gender Based Approaches to the Law and Juris Dictio in Europe”
Last Friday, the First ELaN International Workshop took place on Microsoft Teams, “virtually” gathering young scholars as well as Professors and guests interested in the topic. It has been an unmissable chance for fruitful disseminations, new changes in perspective and challenges towards future scenarios. We were extremely pleased and honored to have welcomed a huge number of participants and for the enthusiastic feedback about our work. We are really looking forward to our next meeting, wishing more academia members will join us and share our agenda. ELaN Teaching Staff thanks you once again for your kind support and brilliant contributions.
“See” you soon
ELaN First International Workshop_Program:
Introduction by Prof. Elettra Stradella
PANEL 1 Bodies, Sexuality and the Law
Chair: Prof. Angioletta Sperti (University of Pisa, ELaN)
C. Lerch (European University Institute, Florence), J. Wesolowka (Jagellonian University, Cracow), D. Giunchedi (University of Bologna), S. Osella (Max Planch Institute for Social Anthropology), R. Evȇque (University Paris Nanterre)
PANEL 2 Gender Violence between state legislations and the Courts
Chair: Prof. Valentina Bonini (University of Pisa, ELaN)
R. Borges Blasquez (University of Valencia), E. Simò Soler (University of Valencia), C. Chioni-Chotouman (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), R. Erbaş (Istanbul Univesity), G. Giorgini Pignatiello (University of Bologna)
PANEL 3 European Law, legal formants, and the construction of a gendered law
Chair: Prof. Francesca Martines (University of Pisa, ELaN)
V.R. Scotti (Koç University Law School, Istanbul), S. Ayada (European University Institute, Florence), R. Pescatore (University of Bergamo)
PANEL 4 Gender(ed) relationships, reproduction and the market
Chair:Prof. Valentina Calderai (University of Pisa, ELaN)
R. Zamperini (Università di Pisa), C. Rigotti (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), S. Armstrong (European University Institute, Florence), M. P. de la Cuesta de los Mozos (European University Institute/College of Europe, Bruxelles), A. Vercellone (University of Torino)