ELaN PhD Seminars online: “Prospettive giusfemministe. Eguaglianza, cura, vulnerabilità” by Serena Vantin, April 23

ELaN Seminars move to Web!

Because of the general suspension of didactic and dissemination activities at the University of Pisa and all Italian Universities due to Covid-19 Emergency, our Seminars move to the Web.

The Seminar by Serena Vantin on “Equality, care and vulnerability” will happen on 23 April, 3.30 PM, on Microsoft Teams.

Here’s the link to the virtual room: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a1c402f8b17744f54b667079615ab353e%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=575c4cf6-8d10-4a0a-ba64-73ff38308532&tenantId=c7456b31-a220-47f5-be52-473828670aa1

To participate, please write to elan.jm@unipi.it